Fixed rate

Fixed rate payments allow setting a fixed rate for classes in selected school locations. A default rate should be set for each teacher, where class specific rates can be set to override the default rate. Travel allowance is entered by location, if a class is given in a selected location the travel allowance is added. Consecutive classes won’t generate travel allowance twice on the invoice. A class is seen as consecutive if the start time of the next class is within 30 minutes of the previous class on the same day.


Using fixed rate teacher payments has a few steps to set up and components used,

  1. Store teacher bank account information
  2. Setting rates and travel allowances for teachers
  3. Create credit invoices
  4. Paying credit invoices by creating a payment batch

Store bank account information

School - Teachers and click the Actions button for the selected teacher, choose edit and navigate to the Payment info tab. Add the bank account information on this page.

Setting rates

Go to School - Teachers and click the Actions button for the selected teacher and choose Fixed rate payments. Add a default rate and any class specific rates.